MOTORCYCLE accidents
It is easy to be injured in a motorcycle accident and not realize you are actually hurt. Sometimes feeling the symptoms/pain from the motorcycle accident may not reveal itself for a number of days or a substantial period of time subsequent to the accident. In every motorcycle accident where it is believed or suspicioned that injury has occurred, law enforcement should be notified immediately. The investigation and documentation that results from the accident by law enforcement is instrumental in documenting what occurred, who was at fault, and injuries sustained.
Medical attention should occur as soon as possible as well. An appropriate accident investigation report coupled with medical record documentation of sustained injuries are the requirements that will be needed to evaluate your case and pursue an appropriate recovery on your behalf. After a motorcycle accident has occurred, your insurance carrier should be immediately notified.
Stan Peeler stands ready to offer free consultation and analysis of your personal injury claim. In any instance where you have been injured as a result of an automobile or motorcycle accident, please contact our office at 850-332-5555 for immediate assistance or complete our online form here by providing us with the details of your legal needs. There are no legal fees unless a recovery on your behalf is successful, with the exception of costs.