Representation When You Need It Most
Personal Injury Law is an area of law which ultimately results in financial recovery for victims damaged by the negligence, careless or unreasonable acts of another person or entity. If you have been injured because of another person's negligence or recklessness, an attorney is needed who will stand up for your rights and get you the compensation you deserve. Accidents can cause more than just physical injuries, they can also have long-term financial implications.
What is the Value of My Case?
The value of every case is driven by the extent of the injuries sustained, medical costs, liability factors, life and employment disruptions. The best way to enhance potential recovery in your personal injury case is through very focused and deliberate investigation and documentation of the events of the accident, including causation, resulting injuries, medical costs, and/or future losses.
Free Consultation, Analysis, and No Legal Fees Unless Recovery Occurs
Peeler Law Firm handles all personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means there are no attorney fees if there is no recovery, but clients are responsible for costs. Most cases settle without going to trial. However, should litigation or a trial be needed, our firm is ready to do what it takes to obtain the compensation to restore - to the extent possible - what has been taken from you and your family. In any instance where you have been injured as a result of someone's negligence, carelessness, or wrongful act, please contact our office at 850-332-5555 for immediate assistance, or complete our online form here.